Birthday Dinner

For birthday 2021 I decided that I wanted to do things that I wanted to do.

I went from wanting to do big things on birthdays because I love birthdays and the celebration that goes with it. Then I went to not wanting big because that usually involves other people for me and relying on people can lead to dissappointment. I tend to have high expectations so I’m highly disappointed when things don’t work out as I envisioned. I totally do it to myself 99% of the time.

This year I’m like I feel like doing something. I wanna dress pretty and hang with people and make it a big deal. So I decided on a dinner with a small group ( COVID is still a thing). But alas, St. Maarten’s Covid 19 numbers decided to hit a spike around the time I planned my dinner, So awesome! So most my people dropped out for safety reasons. And I’m not even mad because I completely understand but expectations and disappoinment. So I ended up with a group of three of us and it was definitely fun. I went to have a good time and I refused to have anything less.

Highlights of the evening…

Our waitress was awesome. I just wanna mention that because hospitality and customer service is a big deal for me and she was part of making my night a good night.

The food was good!

There were groups of tourists also there. As expected, they provided entertainment while we dined.

The view was nice.

Their chocolate cake did not disappoint! I am a chocolate cake lover and their cake was good.

Their mojito was good! I had two and did not have a third for driving reasons. But if I could and still function I would’ve.

My company was definitely bomb! And I appreciate both of them for coming out and making my night.

Wanna see some pictures of my night? Head over to my Instagram, here!

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